Recording 280720222147.mp3
(Note: I am sorry for the quality. The recording is quite damaged, so I try what I can. - C. O. G.) why is t he moon not right tonight? garnet why is the moon n o t right tonight? garnet why is the m oon not right tonight? garnet why is the moon not right t o night? garnet why is the moon not r ight tonight? garnet why is the moon not right tonight? ga r net why is the m o on not right tonight? garnet w hy is the moon not right tonight? garnet moscow alfa echo romano xylophone papa papa kilo zulu delta africa come out, come out, wherever you a re! midnight come o u t, come out, wherever you are! midnight come out, come out, whe r ever you are! midnight c o me out, come out, wherever you are! midnight come out, come out, whereve r you are! midnight come out, come out, wherever you a re! midnight guitar DASH yacht next nap jerry iroquois echo TOO vicar kilo it's a new moon. that's what it is. c rimson it's a new m o on. that's what it is. crimson it's a new moon. tha...